Salud Comunitaria
Registros e Información
Salud Ambiental
Salud Comunitaria
Infraestructura de Salud Pública
Salud Ambiental
Salud Comunitaria
Infraestructura de Salud Pública
Salud Ambiental
Sobre el Distrito de Salud
Únete a Nuestro Equipo
Servicio al Cliente
345 Calle 6, Suite 300
Bremerton, WA 98383
Horario de oficina:
Lunes Viernes
9:00 am a 4:00 pm

Nuestra visión: Un condado de Kitsap seguro y saludable para todos.
Drug Contaminated Properties
The use of methamphetamine (meth) or fentanyl indoors may leave residue behind and expose people to these toxic substances. Please review the Washington Department of Health Effects from Exposure to Methamphetamine and Fentanyl Residue document.
While there is no legal standard set for Fentanyl contamination, there is for meth contamination.
If a property is found to be contaminated with Meth above the legal limit, we issue an Unfit for Use Order and oversee cleanup to make sure it meets public health standards.
If a property is suspected to be contaminated, we recommend that the Washington State Dept of Health Exposure Reduction Practices be reviewed as it contains helpful information about who can decontaminate a property, and how (in practice) it could be done.
An abbreviated version of that same document can be found here.
We can help property owners and cleanup contractors with:
Technical assistance.
Understanding state and local rules and regulations.
Meth lab cleanup oversight to ensure it meets public health standards.