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The kitsap landscape at sunrise with houses dotting across the ground, forest and trees, and the mountain range and sky.

Nuestra visión: Un condado de Kitsap seguro y saludable para todos.

An icon that will link you to the Assessment and Epidemiology page when clicked on. It is an image of a computer with a pie graph and line graph displayed.

Evaluación y epidemiología

An icon that will link you to the Communications (Public Information) page when clicked on. It is an image of two talking bubbles with a megaphone over the top of one talk bubble.

Comunicaciones (Información Pública)

An icon that will link you to the Equity webpage when clicked on. It is an image of three stick figures. The first is standing on one line. The second is standing on two lines to be the same height as the first. The third is standing on three lines to be the same height as the first two.


An icon linking you to the Emergency Preparedness and Response webpage when clicked on. It is an image of a person pointing to a white board. The white board has an image of a house broken in half displayed on it.

Preparación y respuesta ante emergencias

Herramientas fundamentales para fortalecer la salud pública

Nuestra División de Infraestructura de Salud Pública proporciona herramientas vitales de salud pública para fortalecer el trabajo de todos los programas del Distrito de Salud y promover la salud de los residentes de Kitsap. Utilice los botones de arriba para obtener más información sobre cada uno de nuestros programas.

Aviso: El Distrito de Salud Pública de Kitsap abrirá a las 10 a.m. el jueves 6 de febrero, debido a las condiciones heladas de la carretera.
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