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Kitsap Public Health District logo: a stick figure person that represents the "K" in Kitsap in a dark green-blue color.

Health Indicator

The kitsap landscape at sunrise with houses dotting across the ground, forest and trees, and the mountain range and sky.

Our vision: A safe and healthy Kitsap County for all.

Note: Health Indicator dashboards are not available on mobile devices. To view this dashboard, please visit this page on a computer or click the button below to view the dashboard on the Tableau Public website. 

Substance Use

Data: Kitsap County EMS Opioid Overdose Surveillance Report

The number of emergency medical services (EMS) responses where there was an improved response following Naloxone administration or where opioids were indicated by the EMS provider.

  • Data: Adults Who Reported Currently Smoking
    Substance Use
    Data: Adults Who Reported Currently Smoking
    Data: Adults who Reported Alcohol Binge Drinking
    Substance Use
    Data: Adults who Reported Alcohol Binge Drinking
    Data: Alcohol-related deaths per 100,000
    Substance Use
    Data: Alcohol-related deaths per 100,000
    Data: Drug-related Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted
    Substance Use
    Data: Drug-related Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted
    Data: Drug-related Mortality Rate, Age-adjusted
    Substance Use
    Data: Drug-related Mortality Rate, Age-adjusted
    Data: Opioid-related Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted
    Substance Use
    Data: Opioid-related Hospitalization Rate, Age-adjusted